Now I don’t know what you and your friends were up to in the early hours of the first of January, but I do know that it would struggle to equal our shenanigans. We headed down to what is now firmly cemented as my favourite venue in the UK, Printworks, to bear witness to their first ever night-time event.
Whilst the line-up was a touch too housey for our liking, we turned down a fair few invites to make room for this for New Years Eve, so a fair amount of pressure was resting on this decision. To cut a long story short it paid off. We spent hours revelling in the main room, which is perfectly sound balanced so that you can hear every little hat, cow-bell and other nuance that the tracks have to offer.
Highlight of the night had to be getting within touching distance of MK as he brought what felt like all of South East London together into one massive journey of celebratory, dare I say progressive House music. SecondCity offered a more minimal mix for the crowds, and actually came in at top place in terms of set quality on the night, Kwelanga being my last new favourite tune of 2017.
Despite the amped-up security and enlarged capacity, Printworks didn’t drop in quality at all for this milestone event, and given the size of the crowd remaining when the lights turned on at 4 AM, I don’t think we’re alone in looking forward to more late night events in the long anticipated Issue 003 set to come out later on this month.
Timelines – Dalston
Timelines is all about connecting the roots of jungle and drum & bass with the sounds of tomorrow. Expect...