Defrostatica, Leipzig’s home grown imprint with a penchant for wonky beats, footwork and all kinds of experimental bass music. They just dropped a compilation of Leipzig’s up and coming talent, which is well worth checking out and just before that they released an EP by this guy here, Schmeichel. I’ve embedded his Alteration EP below as well as some of Schmeichel’s YouTube picks giving you an insight into where he sourced some of the sounds from his EP. Have a look at the playlist or go through them one by one.
Theo Parrish – Summertime is here
„IKillWantU” contains a sample of this epic beast by Dr Parrish. I love the fresh and fluffy voices of Lakecia Hughes and the whole production style. Roughness and emotional contents is the mixture which catches the ears of Schmeichel that deeply. Thanks to Skor72 and Bodo (Polyfon Records) for showing me this gem.
Candi Staton – Evidence
Not only the track name was used for my Alteration EP. I discovered this track through the remake by Pepe Bradock. I don’t really know what he did with it, cause it seems not that different from the original Candi Staton version. The voices and funk feeling of this track is timeless to me and will always make me remember the great time at my dungeon in Eisenbahnstraße beneath the Vary record shop.
Edward Artemiev – Meditation
This one was used for the organ sounds at the end of in „DoInIt”. „Stalker” is one of my favorite movies in general. I discovered the entire work of Edward Artemie last summer. Russian synthesizer sounds from the future. Make sure you’ll have a listen to his work!
Alan Lomax – Murderers Home Compilation
I’m into this kind of true music and love the whole work of Alan Lomax. In the 1920’s he decided to travel around the Southern States of the US, looking for black musicians locked up in jail. He recorded working songs and blues directly from the prisoners’ souls. There are only vocal tracks but my favorites are supported by the beats of a pick ensemble. I use a lot of samples from this. There are drums and atmospheres in it. True music at it’s best.
Art Ensemble of Chicago – Old Time Religion
Chicago. Footwork. Jazz. Genres don’t mean nothing to me. I’ve used a shaker of this gem. It’s a spritual song with a crazy man’s voice. Joshi Korte (owner of a record shop in my hometown) showed me the work of Art Ensemble of Chicago. Their version of “Theme de YoYo” is one of my alltime favorites. ThankU Joshi.
Timelines – Dalston
Timelines is all about connecting the roots of jungle and drum & bass with the sounds of tomorrow. Expect...