Maouq’s Part 2 of “A Diffrent Story” Get ready once again for a Diffrent ride, the full tracklist is over on the soundcloud which is linked below
How did you become involved with Diffrent Music?
>Hi! The label logo and sound caught my attention on their first release (specifically the mighty pink giraffe and ‘Everyones Mad’ by Chills) now almost 4 years ago. About a year later I started sending my productions to Dexta and he played ‘Intruders’ (Absys Rec) on their Giraffe Cast. He then invited me to his zoo for beat making and we almost finished a tune on that very day! The rest as they say…
2. What inspired you to make this mix.
I enjoy selecting tunes, putting them together in a meaningful order and coming up with a new product. I always loved this process, since my early years when I used to make compilations of my favorite tunes on cassettes and label them Mauro Mix 1, 2, etc. So I’m always looking for the opportunity to make a specific or themed selection and the 20th release milestone on Diffrent seemed just perfect for that. Also it marks my first ever release on the giraffe-based imprint so I thought I should celebrate that somehow.
3. When putting this mix together, what was the though process involved
Well nothing particularly revolutionary, I wanted to record a Diffrent only mix with all the tunes I like covering most of their 20 releases catalogue and soon realised that they wouldn’t have fit into a 1-hour mix, so I decided to make two, each one featuring 20 tracks in no particular order, they just needed to flow and sound good with each other. I think I’ve achieved that, but maybe that’s not for me to say.
4. Will we be seeing more of this type of thing in the future (Dedication Mixes etc)?
I very much hope so! I have few ideas and mixes I would like to put together at some point. I am in talks with a web radio who showed interest in hosting a mix series from me but nothing is set yet and I might just publish them through my channels only in the end. The main problem is actually finding the time to source the right tunes for that specific mix as I love doing that and don’t want it to be a rushed thing.
5. Whats next in the world of the Italian Stalion?
Ah, nothing too stereotypical, except for the abundant espresso daily dose! In terms of mixtapes I’m preparing a Best Of Dnb Podcast 2013 mix for a dnb show on German radio Shouted FM, then the first episode of the new year (n.25) will be out mid February. I’m also going to record the next Flexout Audio podcast with Dexta ahead of our single release ‘Werewolf’ (3rd Feb) which features an amazing remix by Homemade Weapons too. We also have an EP lined up for release on Nurtured Beatz and another one with Kolectiv coming out very soon on Dispatch Ltd. Then a little later in the year I have an EP planned with Absys Records which I’m quite excited about and few more bits and bobs in between (possibly including a come back to live radio) which you will know all about if you follow me on the links below Peace